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The number of people with nearsightedness is increasing. We need to develop scientific eye habits in our daily life, and some essential nutrients should not be ignored, especially for teenagers. Today we will take a plate of those nutrients closely related to the development of the eyes.

Common Nutrient Composition

Vitamin A

What many people know about vitamin A lies in night blindness. Vitamin A is the primary raw material for the synthesis of retinol, and a deficiency in vitamin A can affect retinol synthesis, leading to night blindness and even blindness.

B vitamins

B vitamins include many, such as vitamin B1, folic acid, and so on. The B vitamins are mostly found in coarse grains, which can be added to your refined daily diet.

Vitamin C

In people deficient in vitamin C, the eye's lens becomes cloudy, which can lead to cataracts in severe cases. Also, proper vitamin C supplementation reduces UV damage to the retina and prevents lens aging.

fresh fruit


Lutein is the main component of retinal macular pigment, and consuming more foods containing lutein can probably reduce the occurrence of macular degeneration.

Daily food for eye care


Eggs are a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin and are very easily absorbed by the body.

Animal Livers

Animal liver is the primary source of vitamin A. You can eat some animal liver properly, which can supplement vitamin A and help prevent night blindness. Also, people whose eyes are prone to dryness can eat some animal liver in moderation every week.

animal livers


Various kinds of cereal are the primary source of B vitamins, of which brown rice is mainly rich in vitamin B1 and B3, beans contain vitamin B1, and malt and nuts contain vitamin B5, so in daily life, we need have some cereals and nuts properly.


Blueberries contain a particular nutrient, anthocyanin. This anthocyanin can promote the production of optic violet in the eyes and stabilize the eye microvasculature. Also, it enhances microvascular circulation and reduces the damage of free radicals to the eyes.

Green leafy vegetables

Ordinary spinach, rape, and cabbage are good ingredients for the eyes, which contain not only carotenoids but also various vitamins that not only protect the eyes but also promote the absorption of calcium.

green leafy vegetables